
Wouldn’t it be nice to manage the software and computing capacity according to the needs of a business? Or allow remote engineers to conduct detailed analysis from their phones or tablets instead of carrying heavy-duty laptops?

There are many benefits of moving to the cloud and more businesses are seeing how this can impact their productivity, collaboration, security, and revenue. Cloud solutions can prevent problems that on-premises companies have to handle, for example not having real-time information available or losing data in case of a natural disaster or power failure.

Another perk of investing in cloud solutions is how cost-effective it is for companies. Companies no longer need to build and manage in-house data centres and as cloud costs are consumption-based, therefore businesses only pay for what they are actually using. Alongside this, as companies are not needing on-premise servers, there is a massive reduction in the environmental impact; no in-house server, no continual power supply and cooling system.

With so many benefits, it is predicted that 80% of businesses will move their workload to the cloud by 2025.


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